Category Archives: httptrigger

PC Buyback for Windows Autopilot devices – part 3

Introduction In part 1 I showed you how to prepare Azure for the PC Buyback app, in part 2 you added the Win32 app, deployed it and saw how it behaved on a Windows Autopilot registered device. In this part … Continue reading

Posted in functionapp, httptrigger, Intune, PCBuyback, Windows AutoPilot | Leave a comment

Encrypting devices during Windows Autopilot provisioning (WhiteGlove) – Part 3

Introduction Note: This method is not officially supported by Microsoft. That said, this speeds up compliance and more importantly increases security as the device is already encrypted (part 1) before the user logs on (part 2). BitLocker recovery key changes … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, BitLocker, functionapp, httptrigger, Intune, win32 app, Windows AutoPilot | Leave a comment

How can I renew an expired secret in an Azure Function app

Introduction If you’ve been looking at my guides, you’ll know that I’ve used httptriggers in functionapps to add functionality to Windows Autopilot, below are some examples of that. Adding devices to an Azure AD group after Windows Autopilot is complete – part … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, functionapp, httptrigger, secret | Leave a comment

Retire My PC – a self-service app to secure company data on old computers

Introduction By now we should all be familiar with Windows Autopilot and how it is used to provision new computers, as explained below in Microsoft’s diagram. For every new computer delivered via the Windows Autopilot process there’s usually an old … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, BitLocker, httptrigger, sendgrid | Leave a comment

A quick look at the “Retire MY PC” app

Introduction I tweeted about this recently and it gained a LOT of attention, so I thought I better do a video showing what this actually does. When your users get a new Windows Autopilot PC, their old computer will usually … Continue reading

Posted in 2103, AzureAD, BitLocker, BitLocker Management over CMG, httptrigger, sendgrid | Leave a comment

Gathering logs and sending an email when you need to reset Windows Autopilot – part 3

Introduction In a previous blog post I explained how you could use the SendGrid resource in Azure to send emails, and with a PowerShell script create an Intune app to give end users additional options when resetting their Windows Autopilot … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, httptrigger, troubleshooting, Windows AutoPilot | Leave a comment

Adding devices or users to an Azure AD group after Windows Autopilot is complete but only when the device is marked as Compliant

Introduction I’ve touched on this subject before where I used http triggers to add devices or users to an Azure AD group after Windows Autopilot was completed, however that solution did not check the compliance of the device prior to … Continue reading

Posted in Azure AD Connect, AzureAD, Compliance, httptrigger, Intune | Leave a comment

Adding devices to an Azure AD group after Windows Autopilot is complete – part 2

Introduction In part 1 you learned how to use Azure functions and a http trigger to add a device to an Azure Ad security group. In this part you’ll see how it all fits together on the client side after … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, httptrigger, Intune, Windows 10 AutoPilot | Leave a comment

Adding devices to an Azure AD group after Windows Autopilot is complete – part 1

Introduction I’ve come across various problems during Windows Autopilot causing OOBE to fail that could be solved if only we could decide the order of when things were installed, and to resolve this in a nice way we wanted to … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, httptrigger, Intune, Windows 10 AutoPilot | Leave a comment