Category Archives: functionapp

PC Buyback for Windows Autopilot devices – part 3

Introduction In part 1 I showed you how to prepare Azure for the PC Buyback app, in part 2 you added the Win32 app, deployed it and saw how it behaved on a Windows Autopilot registered device. In this part … Continue reading

Posted in functionapp, httptrigger, Intune, PCBuyback, Windows AutoPilot | Leave a comment

Encrypting devices during Windows Autopilot provisioning (WhiteGlove) – Part 3

Introduction Note: This method is not officially supported by Microsoft. That said, this speeds up compliance and more importantly increases security as the device is already encrypted (part 1) before the user logs on (part 2). BitLocker recovery key changes … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, BitLocker, functionapp, httptrigger, Intune, win32 app, Windows AutoPilot | Leave a comment

How can I renew an expired secret in an Azure Function app

Introduction If you’ve been looking at my guides, you’ll know that I’ve used httptriggers in functionapps to add functionality to Windows Autopilot, below are some examples of that. Adding devices to an Azure AD group after Windows Autopilot is complete – part … Continue reading

Posted in AzureAD, functionapp, httptrigger, secret | Leave a comment