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Category Archives: RansomWare
Why does my BlueKeep honeypot keep BSOD’ing ?
Introduction I just noticed that my BlueKeep honeypot keeps blue screening. This was clear to me as every time I tried to do something on it it was at the login screen (even though I was logged onto the desktop … Continue reading
Posted in BlueKeep, HoneyPot
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Patch against the BlueKeep vulnerability, even the NSA is warning you
Introduction You’d have to be living under a rock to not have noticed the blog posts and tweets from many different people (including myself) in relation to patching your Windows 7 computers (and others… including eeek… Windows XP) against the … Continue reading
Posted in BlueKeep, HoneyPot, rdpscan
Update now to protect yourself from the next WannaCry
Update: 2019/5/31. I’m adding this information as it’s just so critical BlueKeep is a term for a security vulnerability (CVE–2019-0708) (noted as “critical” by Microsoft)[1][2] affecting computers using older versions (Windows 8 and Windows 10 are not affected) of the … Continue reading
Posted in BlueKeep, CVE-2019-0708, Security, WannaCry
Yet another RansomWare attack leaves businesses with problems
The return of EternalBlue On June 27th 2017, another RansomWare attack took hold targeting the same eternal blue (SMBv1) vulnerabilities as WannaCry before it. This attack however doesn’t reach out to the internet like WannaCry did, it’s an internal network … Continue reading
Posted in Not Petya, Petya, RansomWare
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