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Category Archives: BlueKeep
Why does my BlueKeep honeypot keep BSOD’ing ?
Introduction I just noticed that my BlueKeep honeypot keeps blue screening. This was clear to me as every time I tried to do something on it it was at the login screen (even though I was logged onto the desktop … Continue reading
Posted in BlueKeep, HoneyPot
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Patch against the BlueKeep vulnerability, even the NSA is warning you
Introduction You’d have to be living under a rock to not have noticed the blog posts and tweets from many different people (including myself) in relation to patching your Windows 7 computers (and others… including eeek… Windows XP) against the … Continue reading
Posted in BlueKeep, HoneyPot, rdpscan
Update now to protect yourself from the next WannaCry
Update: 2019/5/31. I’m adding this information as it’s just so critical BlueKeep is a term for a security vulnerability (CVE–2019-0708) (noted as “critical” by Microsoft)[1][2] affecting computers using older versions (Windows 8 and Windows 10 are not affected) of the … Continue reading
Posted in BlueKeep, CVE-2019-0708, Security, WannaCry