Category Archives: Windows Server 2016

Console fails to load after Configuration Manager 2403 upgrade

Introduction I upgraded my ConfigMgr 2309 lab to 2403 to try out the new release but things didn’t quite go to plan. After the upgrade the console upgraded as normal but when launching it I got an error. There were … Continue reading

Posted in 2403, Windows Server 2016 | 1 Comment

How can I install System Center Configuration Manager version 1606 (Current Branch) on Windows Server 2016 with SQL 2016

Introduction In a previous guide I showed you how to install System Center Configuration Manager version 1511 (Current Branch) on Windows Server 2012R2. Times are changing fast in this cloud-first  mobile-first world, and as a result the System Center Configuration … Continue reading

Posted in 1606, 1610, PowerShell, SQL Server 2016, System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch), Windows Server 2016 | Leave a comment