oops you deleted the Unknown Computers collection in Configuration Manager 2012 ?

came across this today on the Technet forums so wanted to blog it. Imagine the scenario, someone accidentally deletes the All Unknown Computers collection in CM12. As a result you try to recreate it using manual means but the newly created Collection never populates. Long story short, to create the Unknown Computers collection again  automagically do as follows (Thanks Kerwin):-

To recreate the collections, change the registry value of CreatedUnknownDDR under SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\COMPONENTS\SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER on your primary site server (not the CAS). Set the value to 0.

Then, re-start the SMS_EXECUTIVE service. When the Discovery Data Manager (DDM) component starts, it will think that the Unknown System records have not been created, and will recreate them.






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3 Responses to oops you deleted the Unknown Computers collection in Configuration Manager 2012 ?

  1. mach6 says:


    I just set up a SCCM 2007 R2 on a 2008 server and I noticed that the Unknown Computer Collection is not there. I didn’t delete it or anything it just didn’t show up.

    Where do you enable this to create them? I don’t recall having to do it on my production 2007 box but that was installed with the first release of SCCM.

    I looked at the production one and this entry doens’t exist on there and adding those entries didn’t create them either.


  2. Pingback: Where are my Unknown Computers? » Nuwwu Ltd

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